My husband and I married in 2000. We agreed to wait two years to enjoy our marriage and settle in before trying to have children. Once we started, we expected to get pregnant easily. The first year went by and no pregnancy. We figured it wasn’t anything to worry about. Sometimes it takes longer to get pregnant. Two more years went by. Still no baby. We decided to see our doctor, who determined nothing was wrong. We kept trying.
Year four.
Year five.
Year six came and went. During this time, I saw friends and family members getting pregnant. It felt like everyone my age was having children. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t pregnant.
I cried out to God, “I don’t want to do it my way; I want to do it YOURS. I won’t jump ahead of you. I will wait on you for everything. So, if it’s not from you, if it’s not your plan, let me know Lord, and I will go about it with peace.” We considered adoption, but didn’t have peace about it and withdrew from the process. My husband and I continued to lay hands on my stomach, declaring God’s word and commanding my womb to open. We stood in faith and put together a nursery in our home, complete with a crib and clothing, and envisioned our child there.
Around the same time, my husband heard God’s voice in a dream. In this dream, God called him by name. He saw a pair of hands pushing his sperm up towards my egg and heard God ask, “Hoa, son, do you want to fertilize two eggs or three?” My husband answered “Three!”. I thought “God spoke! We’ll be pregnant next month!” I had no doubt!
But, that month came and went. And then three more years passed. I was now approaching 40 and still waiting for a child.
Nine years into this journey, everywhere I turned someone else was pregnant or announcing a pregnancy. I couldn’t take it. I felt that if it hadn’t happened in 9 years, it wasn’t going to happen. I dropped to my knees and said: “God, I’m sorry for what I’m about to tell you...I’ve decided I cannot believe you. I know you spoke to my husband, but I don’t know why it’s not happening. It hurts too much to take multiple pregnancy tests hoping that two lines are going to show up. Why is it taking so long? We’ve stood in faith believing you. I’m not going to believe anymore. I give up.”
Around Christmastime, we went to a friend’s house and I noticed a decoration that said “Believe, for with God all things are possible.” I brushed it off. Two more times, I heard and saw “Believe. With God, all things are possible.”
I knew God was speaking to me. I had to believe: not think about it, not cry about it, just believe.
Another year later, I was awoken by a whisper in my heart that said, “you’re pregnant”. I wasn’t late. I had no symptoms. Nothing. So, I went to the doctor to take a pregnancy test in the morning. While driving there, I asked God whatever it is, give me the strength to accept the answer. When I arrived, I explained to the nurse I didn’t have any symptoms, but I needed to take a pregnancy test. I told her we had been trying for 10 years. In disbelief, she gave me the test and tried to prepare me for the worst. While waiting for the results, I continued asking God for strength to accept the result.
The nurse walked back in and just stared at me. I was confused and said “What?”
She said, “you’re pregnant!” I could hardly believe it. Again, she said, “you’re pregnant!”
For 10 years, I had waited and prayed for those two beautiful words. I fell to the floor and cried, overwhelmed with gratitude for what God had done.
Every woman in the Bible who asked God to open her womb became pregnant...I was no exception. We now have two girls, Isabella and Eliana, and a son David who went on to be with the Lord. God is faithful to fulfill his promises. It may take a long time, and it may not always look the way we envisioned it, but God is ALWAYS faithful. Continue to stand on God’s word and His promises, because with God all things are possible.